Nuns at Home, Nuns as Homebuilders: Rethinking Ordination and Family in Medieval Japan, audio

Domestic Dharma: Beyond Texts, Beyond Monasteries, Numata Symposium 2012 Keynote Address by Prof. Lisa Grumbach. An exploration of the roles of ordained women within the social and familial structures of medieval Japan. Focusing on the reasons women became nuns, their

Our Buddhadharma, Our Buddhist Dharma : 2012 Commencement Address

The 2012 Graduation Commencement Address was delivered by Prof. Franz Metcalf and generously sponsored by the Numata Foundation. “Our Buddhadharma, Our Buddhist Dharma” explores our evolving Buddhist dharma in two senses. That is, it tries to begin clarifying dharma in

2012 Ryukoku Lecture: True Teaching, Practice and Realization: 6 of 6, audio

Spring 2012 Ryūkoku Lecture Series Presented by Professor Hisashi Tonouchi, Ryūkoku University True Teaching, Practice and Realization (Kyōgyōshinshō): its aim and the formation of Shinran’s Pure Land Teaching The Jōgen Suppression and Shinran’s admonition against self-power (continued) In Japanese with

2012 Ryukoku Lecture: True Teaching, Practice and Realization: 5 of 6, audio

Spring 2012 Ryūkoku Lecture Series Presented by Professor Hisashi Tonouchi, Ryūkoku University True Teaching, Practice and Realization (Kyōgyōshinshō): its aim and the formation of Shinran’s Pure Land Teaching The Jōgen Suppression and Shinran’s admonition against self-power In Japanese with English

2012 Ryukoku Lecture: True Teaching, Practice and Realization: 4 of 6, audio

Spring 2012 Ryūkoku Lecture Series Presented by Professor Hisashi Tonouchi, Ryūkoku University True Teaching, Practice and Realization (Kyōgyōshinshō): its aim and the formation of Shinran’s Pure Land Teaching Birth through the nembutsu: Shinran’s explications of practice and shinjin (continued) In

2012 Ryukoku Lecture: True Teaching, Practice and Realization: 3 of 6, audio

Spring 2012 Ryūkoku Lecture Series Presented by Professor Hisashi Tonouchi, Ryūkoku University True Teaching, Practice and Realization (Kyōgyōshinshō): its aim and the formation of Shinran’s Pure Land Teaching Birth through the nembutsu: Shinran’s explications of practice and shinjin In Japanese

2012 Ryukoku Lecture: True Teaching, Practice and Realization: 2 of 6, audio

Spring 2012 Ryūkoku Lecture Series Presented by Professor Hisashi Tonouchi, Ryūkoku University True Teaching, Practice and Realization (Kyōgyōshinshō): its aim and the formation of Shinran’s Pure Land Teaching Features and Critiques of Hōnen’s Pure Land Teaching (continued) In Japanese with

2012 Ryukoku Lecture: True Teaching, Practice and Realization: 1 of 6, audio

Spring 2012 Ryūkoku Lecture Series Presented by Professor Hisashi Tonouchi, Ryūkoku University True Teaching, Practice and Realization (Kyōgyōshinshō): its aim and the formation of Shinran’s Pure Land Teaching Features and Critiques of Hōnen’s Pure Land Teaching In Japanese with English

Karmic Mindfulness: Rethinking Morality in Contemporary Buddhism

As a basic principle governing moral thinking, the Buddhist concept of karma is brilliant. With clarity and simplicity, it informs participants in Buddhist cultures that what becomes of them in life is dependent on the quality of their relations to

Karmic Mindfulness: Rethinking Morality in Contemporary Buddhism (audio only)

As a basic principle governing moral thinking, the Buddhist concept of karma is brilliant. With clarity and simplicity, it informs participants in Buddhist cultures that what becomes of them in life is dependent on the quality of their relations to